AbstractBuilder | Abstract base class of all Builders |
AddPrefix | Defines a policy for Message prefixes, which is, to send the prefix to the underlying Logger's device |
AnyPtr | A smart pointer to any type |
Bounded< ElementType, Bound1, Bound2 > | Key for bounded values |
Bridge | Bridge's specific data |
Builder< Tag > | Concrete Builder |
BuilderFrom< ObjectType, InputType > | A (possible) base template class of Builder<ObjectType> |
BuilderFrom< ObjectType, value::Variant > | Specialisation of template BuilderFrom for InputType value::Variant |
Calculator< Tag > | Concrete Calculator |
Checker< ConverterType, InputType > | Primary key checker template class |
Checker< ConverterType, value::Matrix > | Specialization of Checker for InputType equal to value::Matrix |
Checker< ConverterType, value::Single > | Specialization of Checker for InputType equal to value::Single |
Checker< ConverterType, value::Vector > | Specialisation of Checker for InputType equal to value::Vector |
Command | Command interface |
ConsoleLogger | Implements a console Logger |
DataSet | A named map from keys to values |
Debug | MessageImpl instantiation used for debug messages |
Decreasing | Decreasing monotone class |
Default< OutputType > | Meta-function which defines Traits' default map type |
DefaultMap< OutputType, isBasic > | Meta-function which defines Traits' default map type |
Device | Device key |
Error | MessageImpl instantiation used for error messages |
Exception | Base protocol class for all exceptions |
ExceptionImpl< StdExcept, MessageType > | Concrete template class which implements Exception's pure virtual methods |
Export | Export key |
LexicalToolKit::Failure | This class is thrown when LexicalToolKit::convert() fails |
FileLogger | Implements a file Logger |
XtermConsole::FileRaii | XtermConsole's helper class for file management |
FlagMap< OutputType > | Maps names to constants |
ForwardToGlobalLogger | Defines a policy to apply when the Logger fails to process a Message, namely, forward it to GlobalLogger |
FrontEnd | Front-end's specific data |
Geq< ElementType > | Greater-than-or-equal-to bound class |
Global< ObjectType > | Manager of global objects |
Global | Global key |
DataSet::Graph | Simplified dependency graph |
Greater< ElementType > | Greater-than bound class |
LexicalToolKit::Helper< From, To > | Helper class of LexicalToolKit |
IgnoreColour | Policy under which Message colours are ignored |
IgnoreFailure | Defines a policy to apply when the logger fails, which is, to ignore the failure |
IgnorePrefix | Defines a policy for Message prefixes, which is, to ignore them |
Imports | Imports key |
Increasing | Increasing monotone class |
Info | MessageImpl instantiation used for info messages |
IsBasic< ElementType > | This meta-function checks if a type is either bool , double , string , ptime or unsigned int or not |
IsBasicOrEnum< ElementType > | This meta-function checks if a type is either bool , double , string , ptime , unsigned int or enum or not |
Key | Base for all real keys |
KeyInSingle | Pattern where a value::Single object, recognised as a key, is followed by any value::Value |
KeysInMatrix | Pattern made by a value::Matrix where all elements either in the first row or in the first column are keys |
KeysInVector | Pattern made by a value::Vector whose entries are keys followed by a value::Vector or value::Matrix |
Leq< ElementType > | Less-than-or-equal-to bound class |
Less< ElementType > | Less-than bound class |
Level | Level key |
LexicalToolKit | Manager of all lexical converters needed for front-end input/output |
Logger | Protocol class which defines the interface for all types of logger |
LoggerImpl< PrefixPolicy, ColourPolicy, SafetyPolicy > | Abstract class which implements main methods of concrete Loggers |
Logic | MessageImpl instantiation used for logic error messages |
LogicError | Base class for all KeyValue exceptions occurring at development time |
Matrix< ElementType > | Generic key whose converter type is StdMatrix |
Matrix | Matrix of Variant s |
Message | Abstract class which defines the interface for all types of message |
MessageImpl< id > | Implementation of class Message |
MonotoneBoundedVector< ElementType, Monotone, Bound1, Bound2 > | Key for monotone bounded vectors |
NoBound< ElementType > | NoBound bound class |
NoMap< OutputType > | Identity map (aka, NoMap) |
NonMonotone | NonMonotone class |
Repository::NotFound | Exception thrown by get() when a DataSet is not found |
Nothing | Empty class to represent empty data |
NullDeleter | A shared_ptr deleter that does not do anything |
Object | Base class for KeyValue objects that can be build from data sets |
ObjectMap< ObjectType > | Maps names to objects |
ObjectPtr | Generic pointer to objects |
Parent< T > | Primary Parent template meta-function |
PartialMap< OutputType > | Partially maps names to constants |
Pattern | Protocol class which defines the interface for pattern recognition class es |
Positive | A general key for positive values |
ProcessNow | ProcessNow key |
Processor | Processor key |
Processor | Protocol class which defines Processor interface |
ProcessorInstantiator< Tag > | Instantiate a processor given its Tag |
ProcessorMngr | The processor manager |
PtrTraits< ObjectType > | Meta-function that define smart pointer traits |
Queue | Protocol class which defines the Queue interface |
Pattern::QueueRaii | This class implements RAII for a frontend::Queue |
DataSet::Record | A wrapper around a value::Value |
Report | MessageImpl instantiation used for reporting results |
Repository | The Repository of DataSets |
Result | A single-valued container for ObjectPtr or Value |
RuntimeError | Base class for all KeyValue exceptions occurring at runtime |
Saver< SavedType > | Saves a variable reference at construction time to restore/set its value at destruction time |
shared_ptr< ::keyvalue::util::Paparazzo > | A dummy specialisation of boost::shared_ptr<paparazzo> that exposes shared_ptr<T>'s private member px |
Single | A 1 x 1 Matrix |
Single< ElementType > | Generic key whose converter type is StdSingle |
StdMatrix< ElementType > | Converter from value::Matrix to shared_ptr<vector<std::vector<ElementType>>> |
StdSingle< ElementType > | Converter from value::Single to ElementType |
StdVector< ElementType > | Converter from value::Vector to shared_ptr<vector<ElementType>> |
StrictlyDecreasing | StrictlyDecreasing monotone class |
StrictlyIncreasing | StrictlyIncreasing monotone class |
StrictlyPositive | A general key whose value is a strictly positive number |
Table | Pattern where a value::Matrix contains the row, column and table keys |
Traits< ElementType, ConverterType, MapType > | Real keys must derive from adequate instantiations of this template class |
TypeName< Type > | Meta function which returns the name of type |
Value | A single-valued container for Single, Vector or Matrix |
Variant | Single-value multi-type container |
Vector | A m x 1 or 1 x n Matrix |
Vector< ElementType > | Generic key whose converter type is StdVector |
VectorOutput | VectorOutput key |
VectorOutputBase | VectorOutput's base class |
Warning | MessageImpl instantiation used for warning messages |
WindowsConsole | This class implements a Windows console Logger |
XtermColour | Defines a policy for Message colour, which is, to set the underlying device of the Logger to print in Message's colour |
XtermConsole | Implements an xterm console Logger |