keyvalue/keyvalue.h [code] | Main page of KeyValue's reference manual |
keyvalue/bridge/Bridge.h [code] | Declaration of class Bridge |
keyvalue/bridge/key/Device.h [code] | Declaration of class Device |
keyvalue/bridge/key/Global.h [code] | Declaration of class Global |
keyvalue/bridge/key/Level.h [code] | Declaration of class Level |
keyvalue/extern/Ptime.h [code] | Export boost::ptime to namespace keyvalue |
keyvalue/extern/SharedPtr.h [code] | Export boost::shared_ptr to namespace keyvalue |
keyvalue/extern/String.h [code] | Export std::string to namespace keyvalue |
keyvalue/extern/Vector.h [code] | Export std::vector to namespace keyvalue |
keyvalue/frontend/FrontEnd.h [code] | Declaration of class FrontEnd |
keyvalue/frontend/LexicalToolKit.h [code] | Definition of class LexicalToolKit |
keyvalue/frontend/LexicalToolKitPairs.h [code] | X Macro helper for class LexicalToolkit |
keyvalue/frontend/Queue.h [code] | Declaration of class frontend::Queue |
keyvalue/key/Checker.h [code] | Declaration of template class Checker |
keyvalue/key/Key.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of class Key |
keyvalue/key/Traits.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Traits |
keyvalue/key/converter/StdMatrix.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class StdMatrix |
keyvalue/key/converter/StdSingle.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class StdSingle |
keyvalue/key/converter/StdVector.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class StdVector |
keyvalue/key/generic/Bounded.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Bounded |
keyvalue/key/generic/Matrix.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Matrix (generic key) |
keyvalue/key/generic/MonotoneBoundedVector.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class MonotoneBoundedVector |
keyvalue/key/generic/Positive.h [code] | Declaration of class Positive |
keyvalue/key/generic/Single.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Single (generic key) |
keyvalue/key/generic/StrictlyPositive.h [code] | Declaration of class StrictlyPositive |
keyvalue/key/generic/Vector.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Vector (generic key) |
keyvalue/key/generic/bound/Geq.h [code] | Declaration of template class Geq |
keyvalue/key/generic/bound/Greater.h [code] | Declaration of template class Greater |
keyvalue/key/generic/bound/Leq.h [code] | Declaration of template class Leq |
keyvalue/key/generic/bound/Less.h [code] | Declaration of template class Less |
keyvalue/key/generic/bound/NoBound.h [code] | Declaration of template class NoBound |
keyvalue/key/generic/monotone/Decreasing.h [code] | Declaration of class Decreasing |
keyvalue/key/generic/monotone/Increasing.h [code] | Declaration of class Increasing |
keyvalue/key/generic/monotone/NonMonotone.h [code] | Declaration of class NonMonotone |
keyvalue/key/generic/monotone/StrictlyDecreasing.h [code] | Declaration of class StrictlyDecreasing |
keyvalue/key/generic/monotone/StrictlyIncreasing.h [code] | Declaration of class StrictlyIncreasing |
keyvalue/key/map/Default.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class Default |
keyvalue/key/map/FlagMap.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class FlagMap |
keyvalue/key/map/NoMap.h [code] | Declaration of template class NoMap |
keyvalue/key/map/ObjectMap.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class ObjectMap |
keyvalue/key/map/PartialMap.h [code] | Declaration of template class PartialMap |
keyvalue/key/specific/Export.h [code] | Declaration of class Export |
keyvalue/key/specific/Imports.h [code] | Declaration of class Imports |
keyvalue/key/specific/ProcessNow.h [code] | Declaration of class ProcessNow |
keyvalue/key/specific/Processor.h [code] | Declaration of class Processor (key) |
keyvalue/key/specific/VectorOutput.h [code] | Declaration of class VectorOutput |
keyvalue/mngt/AbstractBuilder.h [code] | Declaration of class AbstractBuilder |
keyvalue/mngt/Builder.h [code] | Declaration of primary template class Builder |
keyvalue/mngt/BuilderFrom.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class BuilderFrom |
keyvalue/mngt/Calculator.h [code] | Declaration of primary template class Calculator |
keyvalue/mngt/Command.h [code] | Declaration of class Command |
keyvalue/mngt/DataSet.h [code] | Declaration of class DataSet |
keyvalue/mngt/DeclareBuilder.h [code] | A helper file used to declare Builders |
keyvalue/mngt/DeclareCalculator.h [code] | A helper file to declare Calculators |
keyvalue/mngt/process.h [code] | Declaration of function keyvalue::process() |
keyvalue/mngt/Processor.h [code] | Declaration of class Processor |
keyvalue/mngt/ProcessorInstantiator.h [code] | Declaration of template class ProcessorInstantiator |
keyvalue/mngt/ProcessorMngr.h [code] | Declaration of class ProcessorMngr |
keyvalue/mngt/Repository.h [code] | Declaration of class Repository |
keyvalue/pattern/KeyInSingle.h [code] | Declaration of class KeyInSingle |
keyvalue/pattern/KeysInMatrix.h [code] | Declaration of class KeysInMatrix |
keyvalue/pattern/KeysInVector.h [code] | Declaration of class KeysInVector |
keyvalue/pattern/Pattern.h [code] | Declaration of class Pattern and functions keyvalue::pattern::isKey() and keyvalue::pattern::getKey() |
keyvalue/pattern/Table.h [code] | Declaration of class Table |
keyvalue/sys/exception/Exception.h [code] | Declaration of class es Exception, RuntimeError and LogicError |
keyvalue/sys/exception/KV_ASSERT.h [code] | Implementation of macro KV_ASSERT |
keyvalue/sys/logger/ConsoleColours.h [code] | Definition of enum Colour |
keyvalue/sys/logger/ConsoleLogger.h [code] | Declaration of class ConsoleLogger |
keyvalue/sys/logger/FileLogger.h [code] | Declaration of class FileLogger |
keyvalue/sys/logger/Logger.h [code] | Declaration of class Logger |
keyvalue/sys/logger/LoggerImpl.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class LoggerImpl |
keyvalue/sys/logger/StdLogger.h [code] | Declaration of class StdLogger |
keyvalue/sys/logger/WindowsConsole.h [code] | Declaration of class WindowsConsole |
keyvalue/sys/logger/XtermConsole.h [code] | Declaration of class XtermConsole |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/AddPrefix.h [code] | Declaration of class AddPrefix |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/ForwardToGlobalLogger.h [code] | Declaration of class ForwardToGlobalLogger |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/IgnoreColour.h [code] | Declaration of class IgnoreColour |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/IgnoreFailure.h [code] | Declaration of class IgnoreFailure |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/IgnorePrefix.h [code] | Declaration of class IgnorePrefix |
keyvalue/sys/logger/policy/XtermColour.h [code] | Declaration of class XtermColour |
keyvalue/sys/message/Message.h [code] | Declaration of class Message |
keyvalue/sys/message/MessageImpl.h [code] | Declaration of class es MessageImpl, Error, Info, Warning, Report and Debug |
keyvalue/util/AnyPtr.h [code] | Declaration and partial implementation of class AnyPtr |
keyvalue/util/Global.h [code] | Declaration of template class Global |
keyvalue/util/IsBasic.h [code] | Declaration and implementation of template class IsBasic |
keyvalue/util/Lexical.h [code] | Declaration of template function Lexical |
keyvalue/util/NullDeleter.h [code] | Declaration of class NullDeleter |
keyvalue/util/Paparazzo.h [code] | Implementation of class shared_ptr<Paparazzo> |
keyvalue/util/Saver.h [code] | Definition and implementation of template class Saver |
keyvalue/util/tenor2ptime.h [code] | Declaration of function tenor2ptime() |
keyvalue/util/Util.h [code] | Documentation of namespace util |
keyvalue/value/Matrix.h [code] | Declaration of class Matrix (container) |
keyvalue/value/Nothing.h [code] | Declaration of class Nothing |
keyvalue/value/Object.h [code] | Declaration of class Object |
keyvalue/value/ObjectPtr.h [code] | Declaration and partial implementation of class ObjectPtr |
keyvalue/value/Parent.h [code] | Declaration of template class Parent |
keyvalue/value/PtrTraits.h [code] | Declaration of class PtrTraits |
keyvalue/value/Result.h [code] | Declaration of class es Result and ObjectPtr |
keyvalue/value/Single.h [code] | Declaration of class Single (container) |
keyvalue/value/TypeName.h [code] | Definition of template class TypeName |
keyvalue/value/Value.h [code] | Declaration and (partial) implementation of class Value |
keyvalue/value/Variant.h [code] | Declaration and (partial) implementation of class Variant |
keyvalue/value/Vector.h [code] | Declaration of class Vector (container) |
keyvalue/value/ptr-traits/AnyPtr.h [code] | Implementation of PtrTraits based on util::AnyPtr |
keyvalue/value/ptr-traits/intrusive_ptr.h [code] | Implementation of PtrTraits based on boost::intrusive_ptr where there is a common polymorphic base class for all core-library objects used by KeyValue's processors |
keyvalue/value/ptr-traits/shared_ptr.h [code] | Implementation of PtrTraits based on boost::shared_ptr where there is a common polymorphic base class for all core-library objects used by KeyValue's processors |