Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AddPrefixDefines a policy for Message prefixes, which is, to send the prefix to the underlying Logger's device
Bounded< ElementType, Bound1, Bound2 >Key for bounded values
BridgeBridge's specific data
Builder< ObjectType >Concrete Builder
BuilderFrom< ObjectType, InputType >Base class for Builders that can build from InputType
BuilderFromVariant< ObjectType >Base class for Builders that can build from value::Variant
Calculator< Tag >Concrete Calculator
Checker< ConverterType, InputType >Primary key checker template class
Checker< ConverterType, value::Matrix >Specialization of Checker for InputType equal to value::Matrix
Checker< ConverterType, value::Single >Specialization of Checker for InputType equal to value::Single
Checker< ConverterType, value::Vector >Specialization of Checker for InputType equal to value::Vector
CommandCommand interface
ConsoleLoggerImplements a console Logger
DataSetA named map from keys to values
DebugMessageImpl instantiation used for debug messages
DecreasingDecreasing monotone class
Default< OutputType >Meta-function which defines Traits' default map type
DefaultMap< OutputType, isBasic >Meta-function which defines Traits' default map type
DeviceDevice key
ErrorMessageImpl instantiation used for error messages
ExceptionBase protocol class for all exceptions
ExceptionImpl< StdExcept, MessageType >Concrete template class which implements Exception's pure virtual methods
ExportExport key
LexicalToolKit::FailureThis class is thrown when LexicalToolKit::convert() fails
FileLoggerImplements a file Logger
XtermConsole::FileRaiiXtermConsole's helper class for file management
FlagMap< OutputType >Maps names to constants
ForwardToGlobalLoggerDefines a policy to apply when the Logger fails to process a Message, namely, forward it to GlobalLogger
FrontEndFront-end's specific data
Geq< ElementType >Greater-than-or-equal-to bound class
Global< ObjectType >Manager of global objects
GlobalGlobal key
DataSet::GraphSimplified dependency graph
Greater< ElementType >Greater-than bound class
LexicalToolKit::Helper< From, To >Helper class of LexicalToolKit
IgnoreColorDefines a policy for Message colors, which is, to ignore them
IgnoreFailureDefines a policy to apply when the logger fails, which is, to ignore the failure
IgnorePrefixDefines a policy for Message prefixes, which is, to ignore them
ImportsImports key
IncreasingIncreasing monotone class
InfoMessageImpl instantiation used for info messages
IsBasic< ElementType >This meta-function checks if a type is either bool, double, string, ptime or unsigned int or not
IsBasicOrEnum< ElementType >This meta-function checks if a type is either bool, double, string, ptime, unsigned int or enum or not
KeyBase for all real keys
KeyInSinglePattern where a value::Single object, recognized as a key, is followed by any value::Value
KeysInMatrixPattern made by a value::Matrix where all elements either in the first row or in the first column are keys
KeysInVectorPattern made by a value::Vector whose entries are keys followed by a value::Vector or value::Matrix
Leq< ElementType >Less-than-or-equal-to bound class
Less< ElementType >Less-than bound class
LevelLevel key
LexicalToolKitManager of all lexical converters needed for front-end input/output
LoggerProtocol class which defines the interface for all types of logger
LoggerImpl< PrefixPolicy, ColorPolicy, SafetyPolicy >Abstract class which implements main methods of concrete Loggers
LogicMessageImpl instantiation used for logic error messages
LogicErrorBase class for all KeyValue exceptions occurring at development time
Matrix< ElementType >Generic key whose converter type is StdMatrix
MatrixMatrix of Variants
MessageAbstract class which defines the interface for all types of message
MessageImpl< id >Implementation of class Message
MonotoneBoundedVector< ElementType, Monotone, Bound1, Bound2 >Key for monotone bounded vectors
NoBound< ElementType >NoBound bound class
NoMap< OutputType >Identity map (aka, NoMap)
NonMonotoneNonMonotone class
Repository::NotFoundException thrown by get() when a DataSet is not found
NothingEmpty class to represent empty data
NullDeleterA shared_ptr deleter that does not do anything
ObjectMap< ObjectType >Maps names to objects
ObjectPtrPointer to objects
Parent< T >Primary Parent template meta-function
PartialMap< OutputType >Partially maps names to constants
PatternProtocol class which defines the interface for pattern recognition classes
PositiveA general key for positive values
ProcessNowProcessNow key
ProcessorProtocol class which defines Processor interface
ProcessorProcessor key
ProcessorInstantiator< Tag >Instantiate a processor given its Tag
ProcessorMngrThe processor manager
QueueProtocol class which defines the Queue interface
Pattern::QueueRaiiThis class implements RAII for a frontend::Queue
DataSet::RecordA wrapper around a value::Value
ReportMessageImpl instantiation used for reporting results
RepositoryThe Repository of DataSets
ResultA single-valued container for ObjectPtr or Value
RuntimeErrorBase class for all KeyValue exceptions occurring at runtime
Saver< SavedType >Saves a variable reference at construction time to restore/set its value at destruction time
Single< ElementType >Generic key whose converter type is StdSingle
SingleA 1 x 1 Matrix
StdMatrix< ElementType >Converter from value::Matrix to shared_ptr<std::vector<std::vector<ElementType>>>
StdSingle< ElementType >Converter from value::Single to ElementType
StdVector< ElementType >Converter from value::Vector to shared_ptr<std::vector<ElementType>>
StrictlyDecreasingStrictlyDecreasing monotone class
StrictlyIncreasingStrictlyIncreasing monotone class
StrictlyPositiveA general key whose value is a strictly positive number
TablePattern where a value::Matrix contains the row, column and table keys
Traits< ElementType, ConverterType, MapType >Real keys must derive from adequate instantiations of this template class
TypeName< Type >Meta function which returns the name of type
ValueA single-valued container for Single, Vector or Matrix
VariantSingle-value multi-type container
VectorA m x 1 or 1 x n Matrix
Vector< ElementType >Generic key whose converter type is StdVector
VectorOutputVectorOutput key
VectorOutputBaseVectorOutput's base class
WarningMessageImpl instantiation used for warning messages
WindowsConsoleThis class implements a Windows console Logger
XtermColorDefines a policy for Message color, which is, to set the underlying device of the Logger to print in Message's color
XtermConsoleImplements an xterm console Logger