User's Manual - version: 0.2

KeyValue User's Manual

Cassio Neri

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Download and install
2.1. Compiler
2.2. Build tools
2.3. Boost
2.4. Cygwin
2.5. OpenOffice SDK
2.6. Excel SDK
3. Configure and build
3.1. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE
4. Getting started with KeyValue
5. The KEYVALUE function
6. Key-value patterns
6.1. Key in single
6.2. Keys in vector
6.3. Keys in matrix
6.4. Table
7. Reserved keys
7.1. Processor
7.1.1. Commands
7.2. ProcessNow
7.3. VectorOutput
7.4. Imports
7.5. Export
8. Reserved processors
8.1. Logger
8.2. NumberOfDataSets
8.3. ListOfDataSets
8.4. DeleteDataSets
9. Key resolution and the Default data set
9.1. Importing a value from another key
9.2. Importing all key-value pairs from other data sets
9.3. Importing key-values from Default data set
10. Lexical conversions
11. Key mappings
11.1. Object map
11.2. Flag map
11.3. Partial map
11.4. No map
12. Design: the basics
12.1. Basic types
12.2. Values
12.2.1. Hierarchy of types and multi-level implicit conversions
12.3. Keys
12.3.1. Converter type
12.3.2. Map type
12.3.3. Generic keys
12.4. DataSet
12.5. Processors
12.5.1. Commands
12.5.2. Building from a single value
12.6. Exceptions and Messages
13. How to implement the bridge library
13.1. How to implement class Bridge
13.2. How to implement a processor
13.2.1. Implementing a Calculator specialization
13.2.2. Implementing a Builder specialization
13.3. How to implement a key
13.3.1. Checking methods
13.3.2. Mapping methods
14. Linking with KeyValue
15. The Excel add-in
15.1. The help file
15.2. The menu of commands

1. Introduction

KeyValue is a cross-platform library for making C++ objects accessible through OpenOffice Calc, Excel and other front-ends. Experience of spreadsheet users is enhanced by an object model and a handy key-value based interface.

KeyValue does more than just help creating spreadsheet functions. The object model allows end-users to build C++ objects through the front-ends. These objects are stored in a repository for latter use at user's request. Additionally, KeyValue provides a set of services to an effective use of these objects.

The library is named ater one of its main features: The key-value based interface. Parameters are passed to functions through key-value pairs in contrast to the standard positional interfaces of OpenOffice Calc, Excel, C/C++, etc.

For instance, consider a function which requires stock prices at different dates. Two vectors have to be passed: A vector of dates and a vector of prices. In a positional interface these two vectors would be rovided in a specific order, say, first the vector of dates followed by the vector of prices. In contrast, KeyValue allows a label (or key) to be attached to each vector (the value associated to the key) in order to distinguish their meanings. In the example, the keys could be Dates and Prices while the values would be the vectors of dates and prices themselves.

To give a taste of KeyValue, let us develop this example a bit further. Suppose we want to write a C++ function that, given a set of dates and corresponding stock prices, returns to the spreadsheet the earliest date where the stock has reached its lowest level. In the termsheet we would see something like in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Data organized in the spreadsheet.

Data organized in the spreadsheet.

The C++ code (see keyvalue/bridge-example/bridge-example/processor/LowTime.cpp) could be:

template <>
Calculator<LowTime>::getValue(const DataSet& data) const {              // A

  const key::MonotoneBoundedVector<ptime, key::StrictlyIncreasing>
    keyDates("Dates");                                                  // B

  const std::vector<ptime>& dates(*data.getValue(keyDates));            // C

  const key::MonotoneBoundedVector<double, key::NonMonotone, key::Geq>
    keyPrices("Prices", 0.0, dates.size());                             // D

  const std::vector<double>& prices(*data.getValue(keyPrices));         // E

  double lowPrice = prices[0];                                          // F
  ptime lowDate = dates[0];

  for (size_t i=1; i<prices.size(); ++i)
    if (prices[i] < lowPrice) {
          lowPrice = prices[i];
          lowDate  = dates[i];
    }                                                                   // G

  return lowDate;                                                       // H

Without getting too deep in the details, we shall comment some important points of this example:


Functions returning values to the spreadsheet are specializations of template class Calculator of which getValue() is the main method. The template type parameter LowTime is just a tag identifier to distinguish between different functions.


Object keyDates holds information about key Dates including the label "Dates" seen on the spreadsheet. Its type is an instantiation of key::MonotoneBoundedVector for type parameters ptime and key::StrictlyIncreasing. This means that the expected type of value is a std::vector<ptime>[1] object whose elements are in increasing order.

Many other generic keys like key::MonotoneBoundedVector are implemented. We can implement application specific keys when no generic key fits our needs or when this proves to be convenient. For instance, implementing a class named Dates can be useful if key Dates is used very often. In such case, Dates would hold all the above information and line B would be replaced by

const Dates keyDates;

The method DataSet::getValue() retrieves the std::vector<ptime> object containing the dates. At this time, all the information contained in keyDates is used. In particular, the constraints on the input are verified and an exception is thrown if the check fails. Therefore, if execution gets to next line, we can safely assume that dates are in increasing order.


Object keyPrices carries information about key Prices: the label "Prices" and its expected type of value, that is, a std::vector<double> object of size dates.size() and positive elements.


Retrieves the std::vector<double> object and, if execution gets to next line, we can be sure that prices and dates have the same size and all price elements are positive. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.

F - G:

This bit of code could be part of the library which KeyValue helps to make accessible through OpenOffice Calc or Excel instead of being here.


While the type returned by Calculator<LowTime>::getValue() is value::Value the code above returns a ptime. For convenience, KeyValue implements a collection of implicit conversions to value::Value from several types including bool, double, string, ptime, std::vector<double>, etc.

More than just a nice interface, KeyValue provides memory management, dependency control, exception handling, caching (memoization) and other services.

The two main examples of front-ends (both provided with KeyValue) are OpenOffice Calc and Excel. A third example is an XML parser. Other front-ends may be easily implemented thanks to KeyValue's modular design represented in Figure 2.

There are four layers. The main layer is occupied by KeyValue alone and is independent, that is, does not #include any header file from other layers.

Figure 2. KeyValue's design.

KeyValue's design.

The top layer is populated by front-ends. Components of this layer only #include header files from KeyValue. (Fact indicated by the down arrow.)

The bottom layer hosts the core library, that is, the C++ library which we want to use through front-ends with KeyValue's help. This layer is also independent. As mentioned, in the example above the code between lines F and G woulb be better placed in the core library.

The bridge layer connects KeyValue and core library. Bridge #includes files from both layers it is connected to. The code given in the example above would be part of this layer.

Additionally to KeyValue layer, the distibuted code contains the front-ends (excluding the XLM parser which will be available in a future release). KeyValue users have to implement the bridge and core library. If they wish, they can also easily implement other front-ends.

2. Download and install

KeyValue is available in standard formats at SourceForge.

Just download and unpack it into your hard disk.

Windows Vista users must perform an extra step. As we shall see below, KeyValue build system relies on Cygwin. For some reason, Cygwin fails to copy some files. To prevent this from happening, turn KeyValue's home directory and all its descendants into shared folders. Right click on KeyValue's home directory and select Properties. Then, click on Sharing / Share ... / Share / Done / Close. Then the directory gets a new icon with a two-people picture.

KeyValue depends on a few libraries and tools. Some of them are compulsory while others depends on the user's purpose. The following sections list those tools and libraries.

2.1. Compiler

Two C++ compilers are supported: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (for Windows) and GCC (for GNU/Linux).

Most of GNU/Linux distributions come with GCC already installed. KeyValue has been tested with version 4.x.x but other versions should work as well.

Microsoft provides different editions of Visual Studio C++ 2008. The Express Edition is available, free of charge, at

Editions differ mainly in their IDEs. However, there are a few differences on compilers as well. During KeyValue's development we came across lines of code that the Professional Edition could compile while Express Edition failed. Some effort has been made to maintain compatibility with both editions.

2.2. Build tools

We need additional build tools, notably, GNU make and the bash shell.

GNU/Linux users do not have to worry about most of these tools since they are probably installed by default. However, a less popular tool called makedepend is needed as well. Normally, it is part of the x11 or xorg packages. To check whether you have it or not, on a console window type:

$ makedepend

If not found, use your distribution's package system to install it or, alternatively, download and install from source code:

Windows users will also need those tools but, unfortunately, they are not directly available. Therefore, Cygwin (see Section 2.4) will be needed to have a GNU/Linux-compatibility layer.

2.3. Boost

Boost is a high quality set of C++ libraries for general purposes.

KeyValue depends on a few of Boost libraries notably Smart_Ptr (for shared pointers) and Date_Time (for date and time classes). All Boost libraries that KeyValue depends on are header-only. Therefore, all we need is to download and unpack Boost in the hard disk.

As of this writing, the latest Boost release is 1.44.0. KeyValue have been tested with version 1.38.0. Any newer version should work as well.

When compiling KeyValue with MSVC and Boost 1.44.0, one gets several annoying warnings which seems to be harmless. (See issue #3084655). Prefer using an earlier version of Boost (e.g. 1.43.0) or a latter one (when released) where this issue has been fixed.

Boost is available for download at its SourceForge page:

2.4. Cygwin

KeyValue is a cross platform library for GNU/Linux and Windows systems. Its build system relies on tools that are very popular on GNU/Linux systems but not on Windows. For that reason, Windows users must install Cygwin to have a GNU/Linux-like compatibility layer. Cygwin is available at

During installation we have to make a few choices. Normally, default answers are fine. However, when choosing the packages to install, make sure the following items are selected:

  • Archive/zip (needed to build the OpenOffice Calc add-in);

  • Devel/make; and

  • Devel/makedepend.

Although installation procedures for KeyValue developers is not in the scope of this document, we anticipate here the list of extra Cygwin packages that developers must install:

  • Archive/zip; and

  • Doc/libxslt; and

  • Utils/diffutils.

Cygwin comes with a small tool called link to create file links (shortcuts). This tool is, probably, useless since there is a Windows native alternative and Cygwin also provides ln for the same purpose. Unfortunately, we must bother with link because it shares its name with the Microsoft linker, raising a conflict. A workaround is renaming link to, say, link-original. Open a Bash Shell by clicking on Start / Programs / Cygwin Gygwin Bash Shell and type the command below followed by Enter.

$ mv /usr/bin/link.exe /usr/bin/link-original.exe

On many occasions we need to type Bash Shell commands. Therefore, remember how to get a Bash shell console window and consider keeping it constantly open while working with KeyValue.

2.5. OpenOffice SDK

KeyValue comes with an OpenOffice Calc add-in for GNU/Linux and Windows systems. To build this add-in, one must install the OpenOffice SDK.

The OpenOffice Calc add-in has been tested with some 3.x.x versions of OpenOffice and OpenOffice SDK. It probably works with all 3.x.x versions. Users of versions 2.x.x are advised to upgrade their systems.

Download and install a OpenOffice SDK version compatible with your installed OpenOffice:

2.6. Excel SDK

KeyValue comes with an Excel add-in. To build this add-in, one must install the Excel SDK.

Only the Excel 2007 API is supported. If compatibility with this API is kept by new Excel releases, then the add-in should work with them as well. However, it does not work with Excel 2003.

Download Excel 2007 SDK from its website

3. Configure and build

Locate the file config/config.mak-example in KeyValue's home directory. Make a copy named config.mak and edit it with a text editor. The file contains detailed explanations.

We emphasize one particular instruction presented in the file. If you are not yet familiar with KeyValue, then leave the variables FELIBS_debug and FELIBS_release as they are. This allows for the building of the add-in used in Section 4.

On a Bash Shell console, go to KeyValue's home directory. For instance, assuming KeyValue was unpacked in /home/cassio/keyvalue, type

$ cd /home/cassio/keyvalue

Under Cygwin one has to prefix the directory name by the drive letter. Supposing that KeyValue was unpacked in C:\Users\cassio\Documents\keyvalue, type

$ cd C:/Users/cassio/Documents/keyvalue

To build the debug version (the default):

$ make

To build the release version:

$ make release

Additionally, make accepts other targets. To get a list of them:

$ make help

It also shows the list of projects to be compiled as chosen in config.mak.

3.1. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 users will find target sln very helpful. The command

$ make sln

creates a Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 solution (keyvalue.sln) and project files which allows for using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, liberating users from direct calling make on Cygwin. Two configurations, debug and release, are set in keyvalue.sln.

Open keyvalue.sln. On the solution explorer (Ctrl+Alt+L), we see the projects. Initially, the start up project will be the first on alphabetic order. Change it to either excel-addin or openoffice-addin: Right click on the project name and then on Set as StartUp Project.

To configure excel-addin and openoffice-addin projects to call the appropriate applications under the debugger:

  • Right click on excel-addin project, select Properties and then Debugging. Edit the fields following the example shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Configuring MSVC debugger for excel-addin.
    Field Content
    Command Full path of Excel executable (e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE)
    Command Arguments out\windows-msvc-debug\keyvalue.xll
  • Right click on openoffice-addin project, select Properties and then Debugging. Edit the fields following the example shown in Table 2.

    Table 2. Configuring MSVC debugger for openoffice-addin.
    Field Content
    Command Full path of soffice executable (e.g. C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.bin)
    Command Arguments -nologo -calc
    Environment PATH=C:\Program Files\ 3\program;C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin;C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program

4. Getting started with KeyValue

The easiest way to get familiar with KeyValue's features is using OpenOffice or Excel add-ins based on it. KeyValue comes with examples of core and bridge libraries allowing for the build of an OpenOffice and an Excel add-in. This section introduces some of these features using these add-ins as example.

We assume you are familiar with the basics of OpenOffice Calc or Excel. These two applications have very similar user interfaces. For this reason, we address instructions to OpenOffice Calc users only. Excel users should not have trouble in adapting them. Moreover, remember that OpenOffice is open source software available at

It is worth mentioning one interface difference between OpenOffice Calc and Excel. In both, either double-clicking or pressing F2 on a cell start its editing. Pressing Enter finishes the edition. If the new content is a formula, while Excel immediately calculates the result, OpenOffice Calc recalculates only if it belieaves the cell's content has changed. In particular, F2 followed by Enter recalculates a cell formula in Excel but not in OpenOffice Calc. To force OpenOffice Calc to recalculate the cell, we have to fake a change. Therefore, keep in mind the following:

To recalculate a cell formula double click on the cell (or press F2 if the cell is the current one), then press Left Arrow followed by Enter. To recalculate a formula range, in OpenOffice one must select the whole range (select any cell in the range and then press Ctrl+/) before pressing F2.

From spreadsheet applications, KeyValue derives some terminology regarding data containers:


Is a piece of data that, in a spreadsheet application, would fit in a single cell. For instance, the number 1.0 or the text "Foo".


Is a collection of data that, in a spreadsheet, would fit in a one-dimensional range of cells like A1:J1 or A1:A10. More precisely, when those cells are one beside another in a row we call it a row vector (e.g. A1:J1). When the cells are one above another in a column (e.g. A1:A10) we call it a column vector. In particular, a single is both a row and a column vector.


Is a collection of data that, in a spreadsheet, would fit in a two dimensional range of cells like A1:B2. In particular, single and vector are matrices.

After building Keyvalue with its core and bridge examples (see Section Section 3), under KeyValue's home directory, we should have a ready-to-use OpenOffice add-in named keyvalue.oxt (or an Excel add-in named keyvalue.xll). The exact location is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Location of Excel and OpenOffice add-ins.
Build OpenOffice (GNU/Linux) OpenOffice (Windows) Excel
Debug openoffice-addin/out/linux-gcc-debug openoffice-addin\out\windows-msvc-debug excel-addin\out\windows-msvc-debug
Release openoffice-addin/out/linux-gcc-release openoffice-addin\out\windows-msvc-release excel-addin\out\windows-msvc-release

Launch OpenOffice Calc, open the debug add-in and the example workbook keyvalue.ods (or keyvalue.xlsx for Excel) located in doc/workbooks.

Notice that a console window pops up. KeyValue uses it to present some output, notably error messages.

5. The KEYVALUE function

Cell B2 on The KEYVALUE function sheet of the example workbook contains a formula calling the function KEYVALUE:


Figure 3. Data set Triangle.

Data set Triangle.

This function call is meant to build a triangle.

We can see that cells with dark blue background in the sheet contain formulas calling KEYVALUE to build polygons and to calculate their areas.

There are no functions such as BuildPolygon, CalculateArea or anything similar. Indeed, independently on the core-library, KEYVALUE is the only function exported to OpenOffice Calc.

Actually, the name of this function is defined by the bridge library. In the examplary bridge the function is called KEYVALUE and, for the sake o concreteness, in this document we shall always assume this name.

This is not as odd as it might seem (one could expect to call different functions for different tasks). Even when calling a specific function for a precise task, the function might change its behaviour depending on the data it receives. For instance, a function CreatePolygon would create a triangle or a square (or whatever) depending on the number of sides given. KeyValue goes one step further and considers the choice of the task as part of the input data as well.

Alternatively, we can think that KEYVALUE does have one single task: It creates data sets. A data set is a collection of data organized in key-value pairs (recall the stock prices example given in Section 1). The example above creates a data set called Triangle containing key-value pairs defined by the array B3:C6 (more details to follow). Analogously, the formula in cell E2


creates a data set called Square containing key-value pairs defined by array E3:F6.

Figure 4. Data set Square

Data set Square

More generally, KEYVALUE's first parameter is the name of the data set to be created. This is a compulsory parameter of text type (which might be left empty "" for anonymous data sets). Moreover, as in these examples, often the data set name is the result returned from KEYVALUE to OpenOffice Calc.

Once created, a named data set is stored in a repository and might be retrieved latter through its name.

Other KEYVALUE's parameters are optional and define key-value pairs following patterns discussed in next section.

6. Key-value patterns

KEYVALUE's parameters, from second onwards, define the data set. Although there is some flexibility on how they are organized, they must follow certain patterns. It allows the library to break down the parameters in key-value pairs. Recalculate cell B2 of sheet The KEYVALUE function and take a look at the console logger to see the key-value pairs of data set Triangle.

Figure 5. Console logger shows key-value pairs in data set Triangle.

[Debug  ] DataSet: Triangle
Size    : 4
  Key   #1: Base
  Value #1: [Single] 2
  Key   #2: Height
  Value #2: [Single] 3
  Key   #3: IsRegular
  Value #3: [Single] 0
  Key   #4: Processor
  Value #4: [Single] Polygon

For a text to define a key, it is necessary but not sufficient that:

  • excluding trailing spaces it ends with " =" (space + equal sign); and

  • excluding the ending "=", it contains a non space character.

KeyValue replaces the last "=" (equal sign) by " " (space) and, from the result, removes leading and trailing spaces. What remains is the key. For instance, all data sets in sheet The KEYVALUE function contain a key called Processor defined by the text "Processor =".

The conditions above are not sufficient to define a key since the patterns mentioned earlier also play a role in this matter. For instance, in data set Trap of sheet Key-value patterns , "Foo =" does not define a key Foo.

Figure 6. "Foo =" seems to define a key but it does not.

"Foo =" seems to define a key but it does not.

Actually, it assigns the value "Foo =" to key B as you can verify in the console after recalculating B2.

Figure 7. Console shows that "Foo =" is the value assigned to key B.

[Debug  ] DataSet: Trap
  Size    : 4
  Key   #1: A
  Value #1: [Single] 1
  Key   #2: B
  Value #2: [Single] Foo =
  Key   #3: C
  Value #3: [Single] 3
  Key   #4: D
  Value #4: [Single] 4

The following sections explain the patterns and clarify this point.

6.1. Key in single

This pattern is composed by two parts: A single containing a text defining a key (i.e. verifying the necessary conditions) followed by either a single, vector or matrix, which will be the associated value. Those three possibilities are shown on the sheet Key-value patterns.

Figure 8. Key in single pattern.

Key in single pattern.

6.2. Keys in vector

There are two cases of this pattern. The first (the transpose of the second) is composed by a column vector and a matrix such that

  • they have the same number of rows; and

  • the vector contains only keys (i.e. all cells contain text verifying the necessary conditions).

Figure 9. Keys in vector pattern.

Keys in vector pattern.

Furthermore, for each key in the vector, the corresponding row in the matrix defines a vector which is the value associated to the key.

6.3. Keys in matrix

There are two cases of this pattern. The first (the transpose of the second) is composed by a matrix such that

  • it has at least two columns;

  • the first column contains only keys (i.e. all cells contain text verifying the necessary conditions); and

  • the first cell of second column is not a key (i.e. it does not contain text verifying the necessary conditions ).

Figure 10. Keys in matrix pattern.

Keys in matrix pattern.

Furthermore, for each key in the first column, the remaining cells on the same row define a vector which is the value associated to the key.

6.4. Table

Useful for tables, this pattern is made by one matrix M = M(i, j) , for i = 0, ..., m-1 and j = 0, ..., n-1 (with m>2 and n>2). In M we find three key-value pairs: row, column and table. There are two variants of this pattern:

Format 1:

The row key is in M(1, 0) and its value is the column vector M(i, 0) for i = 2, ..., m-1. The column key is in M(0, 1) and its value is the row vector M(0, j) for j = 2, ..., n-1. Finally, the table key is in M(0,0) and its value is the sub-matrix M(i, j) for i = 2, ..., m-1 and j = 2, ..., n-1.

Format 2:

The row key is in M(2, 0) and its value is the column vector M(i, 1) for i = 2, ..., m-1. The column key is in M(0, 2) and its value is the row vector M(1, j) for j = 2, ..., n-1. Table key and value are as in Format 1. This variant is more aestheticly pleasant when some cells are merged together as show in data set Table #2 (merged) in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Table pattern. A is the row key, B is the column key and AxB is the table key.

Table pattern. A is the row key, B is the column key and AxB is the table key.

7. Reserved keys

Some keys are reserved to KeyValue's use. They are explained in the following sections.

7.1. Processor

The task performed on a data set is defined exclusively by its content. Indeed, excluding the Default data set (see Section 9), the value assigned to key Processor informs the action to be performed. More precisely, the bridge library implements a number of processors which perform different tasks on data sets. In any data set, the value assigned to key Processor (if present) names the processor which process the data set.

For instance, on sheet Reserved keys, the formula in B2 creates data set A which selects processor Polygon while the one in E2 creates an anonymous data set which selects processor Area. Recalculate B2 to verify on the logger the called processors:

Figure 12. In each data set, its key Processor selects the processor for this data set.

[Debug  ] DataSet: A
  Size    : 4
  Key   #1: IsRegular
  Value #1: [Single] 1
  Key   #2: NumberOfEdges
  Value #2: [Single] 4
  Key   #3: Processor
  Value #3: [Single] Polygon
  Key   #4: Size
  Value #4: [Single] 1
[Debug  ] DataSet:
  Size    : 2
  Key   #1: Polygon
  Value #1: [Single] A
  Key   #2: Processor
  Value #2: [Single] Area

Processors that create objects are called builders (e.g. Polygon). Those that compute results are called calculators (e.g. Area).

Key Processor is optional. A data set which does not have such key is called data-only.

7.1.1. Commands

Some processors might perform their tasks on empty data sets or, more precisely, on data sets whose unique key is Processor. For instance, as we see in Section 8.4, the processor DeleteDataSets reset the data set repository when key DataSets is not present. The bridge library can declare such processors as commands.

Front-ends may provide special support for commands. For instance, the Excel add-in presents a menu from which one can call any command. The add-in creates an anonymous data set with key Processor and whose value is DeleteDataSets. Since the data set is anonymous it is immediately processed (as explained in Section 7.2).

Notice that the name shown on the menu might be different from processor's name. In our example, processor DeleteDataSets becomes Reset repository.

7.2. ProcessNow

On sheet Reserved keys, the formula in B2 actually does not build any polygon. Indeed, for non anonymous data sets, by default KeyValue implements a lazy initialization strategy: It avoids to call processors until this is really necessary. In this case, all KEYVALUE does is creating the data set A which latterly might be used to build a polygon. In this example it will happen when we request its area in E2.

Key ProcessNow is used to change this behaviour. If ProcessNow is TRUE, then the data set is immediately processed and the result is returned to the front-end. Otherwise, KeyValue just creates and stores the data set for latter use and the result returned to the front-end is the data set name. Change cell C10 to TRUE and FALSE and check on the logger when the processor is called.

Anonymous data sets are always processed and, therefore, ProcessNow is ignored. Change F10 and check the logger.

This key is optional and when it cannot be resolved (see Section 9) assumes the value FALSE.

7.3. VectorOutput

When the result of KEYVALUE is a vector the user may choose how this vector should be returned to the front-end: As a column vector, as a row vector or unchanged, i.e., as it is returned by the processor. For this purpose, the key VectorOutput might be assigned to "Row", "Column" or "AsIs".

This key is optional and when it cannot be resolved (see Section 9) assumes the value "AsIs".

7.4. Imports

Key Imports is optional. Its value is a vector of data set names whose keys and values are imported to the current data set. For more details see Section 9.2.

7.5. Export

Key Export is reserved only in Default data set where it defines whether key-value pairs in Default participate in key resolution or not. (See Section 9.)

8. Reserved processors

The processors Polygon and Area were implemented by the bridge-example which comes with KeyValue. This bridge is intent to be used only as an example, and should not be linked with more serious applications (yours) which means these processors will not be available. However, a few processors are implemented by KeyValue itself and not by the bridge library. See the Reserved Processors sheet of the example workbook for examples of reserved processors.

8.1. Logger

This processor builds a logger where KeyValue sends messages to. The input data set should contain the following keys:


Compulsory key that defines the type of logger. Possible values are:

  • "Standard" - messages are shown in the stdout;

  • "Console" - messages are shown in a console window; and

  • "File" - messages are saved in a file.


Compulsory key that defines the logger's verbosity level. Any non negative integer number is an allowed value.

Loggers receive messages with verbosity levels. A m-level logger shows a n-level message if m>n or the message is an error. Otherwise the message is ignored. Therefore, a 0-level logger ignores all but error messages.


This key is compulsory when Device is "File" and ignored in other cases. It specifies the output file name.


The core library can use different loggers for different purposes. Hence, users are able to build many loggers at the same time. However, all KeyValue messages are sent to the global logger. This key can assume the values TRUE or FALSE and tells KeyValue if the new logger must replace the current global logger.

8.2. NumberOfDataSets

This processor does not have any specific key. It returns the number of data sets currently stored by the repository.

8.3. ListOfDataSets

This processor does not have any specific key. It returns a vector with the names of data sets currently stored in the repository.

8.4. DeleteDataSets

Deletes a list of data sets from the repository. Only one key is expected:


This is an optional key which list the names of all data sets to be erased. If this key is ommited, then all data sets will be removed.

This processor returns the number of data sets that were effectively deleted from the repository.

9. Key resolution and the Default data set

Normally, when retrieving the value associated to a key in a given data set, KeyValue finds it in the same data set. However, this is not always the case. The process of finding the correct value assigned to a given key is called key resolution .

The most basic way to assign a value to a key is providing the key-value pair as we have seen so far. Additionally, there are three ways to import values from different keys and data sets.

9.1. Importing a value from another key

We can import the value of a key from another key. Moreover, the source key might be in a different data set. For this purpose, instead of providing the value for the key we should put a reference in the following format:


where key-name is the name of source key and data-set-name is the name of source data set. You can leave either key-name or data-set-name blank to refer to the same key or data set.

For instance, on sheet Key resolution and Default data set, key Size in data set Polygon #1 has the same value as Length in data set Small.

Figure 13. Polygon #1 imports key Size from key Length in data set Small.

Polygon #1 imports key Size from key Length in data set Small.

Data set Polygon #2 imports key Size from data set Large.

Figure 14. Polygon #2 imports key Size from data set Large.

Polygon #2 imports key Size from data set Large.

In data set Polygon #3 keys Size and NumberOfEdges have the same value.

Figure 15. Polygon #3 imports key Size from its own key NumberOfEdges.

Polygon #3 imports key Size from its own key NumberOfEdges.

9.2. Importing all key-value pairs from other data sets

We can import all key-value pairs from one or more data sets into the current one through the key Imports. The value associated to Imports must be a vector of data set names. All key-value pairs in any of those data sets are imported to the data set containing Imports.

Keys assigned locally, either directly or through references, take precedence over imported keys. Data sets assigned to key Imports are processed in the order they appear.

For instance, on sheet Key resolution and Default data set, Polygon #4 imports keys first from Large and second from Polygon #3. Only keys that are not found neither in Polygon #4 nor in Large will be imported from Polygon #3. Therefore, key NumberOfEdges is assigned locally, key Size is imported from Large and isRegular is imported from Polygon #3.

Figure 16. Use of key Imports.

Use of key Imports.

9.3. Importing key-values from Default data set

After searching a key locally and in imported data sets, if the key is still not resolved, then KeyValue makes a last trial searching in a special data set named Default. To make this search effective, Default must have a key Export set to TRUE.

For instance, on sheet Key resolution and Default data set, Polygon #5 imports all keys, but Processor, from Default.

Figure 17. Polygon #5 imports all keys, but Processor, from Default.

Polygon #5 imports all keys, but Processor, from Default.

10. Lexical conversions

Front-ends may lack representation for some of KeyValue's basic types: number, text, boolean and date. In that case lexical conversions are required. For instance, OpenOffice Calc and Excel do not have specific representations for time. Instead, they use a double which represents the number of days since a certain epoch. Therefore, the front-end must convert from double to KeyValue's representation of time.

Moreover, lexical conversions can make user interface more friendly. For instance, OpenOffice Calc and Excel users might prefer to use "Yes" and "No" rather than the built-in boolean values (TRUE and FALSE).

Front-ends must implement all lexical converters they need. The lexical conversion cited above (from text to boolean values) is, indeed, implemented for OpenOffice and Excel add-ins. Instead of TRUE and FALSE we can use any of the following strings:

  • "TRUE", "True", "true", "YES", "Yes", "yes", "Y", "y"; or

  • "FALSE", "False", "false", "NO", "No", "no", "N", "n".

Additionally, OpenOffice and Excel add-ins implement lexical conversions from text to number, that is, providing the text "1.23" when a number is required is the same as providing the number 1.23.

11. Key mappings

Sometimes, a text assigned to a key is mapped to some other type in a process called key mapping. The four types of key mappings are described in the following sections.

11.1. Object map

This is the most typical example of key mapping: An object name is mapped to the object itself.

On sheet The KEYVALUE function of the example workbook, the formula in cell B8 returns the area of a certain polygon.

Figure 18. The value assigned to key Polygon, i.e., "Triangle" is mapped to an object (the triangle, itself).

The value assigned to key Polygon, i.e., "Triangle" is mapped to an object (the triangle, itself).

Notice that value assigned to key Polygon is the text "Triangle". Rather than a text, the processor Area requires a polygon to computes its area. Therefore, when the processor asks for the value associated to key Polygon, KeyValue maps the text "Triangle" to a polygon which is returned to the processor.

More precisely, the text names a data set which is stored by the repository and defines an object. When an object is required the named data set is retrieved and passed to a processor (defined by key Processor) which creates the object. Then, the object is returned to the processor which has initiated the call.

11.2. Flag map

A text is mapped to some other basic type. For instance, consider a key Month. The user might prefer to provide text values: "Jan", "Fev", ..., "Dec". On the other hand, for the processor, numbers 1, 2, ..., 12 might be more convenient.

This mapping is very similar to the lexical conversion from "Yes" to TRUE as discussed in section Section 10. The difference is that opposite to lexical conversions, flag map depends on the key. For instance, for a key Planet the text "Mar" might be mapped to something representing the planet Mars (e.g. the number 4 since Mars is the forth planet of our solar system) rather than the month of March.

11.3. Partial map

Like flag map, a text is mapped into a number or date. However, the user can also provide the corresponding number or date instead of the text.

For instance, the key NumberOfEdges used in our example workbook implements a partial map. Its value must be an integer greater than 2. For some special values (not all) there correspond a polygon name (e.g "Triangle" for 3 or "Square" for 4). There is no special name for a regular polygon with 1111 edges. To see this mapping in action, go to sheet Key mappings and change the value of NumberOfEdges in data set Polygon #6 to "Triangle" or "Square" or 1111 and see its area on E2.

Figure 19. Key NumberOfEdges implements partial map. Assigning to it "Square" is the same as assign it to 4.

Key NumberOfEdges implements partial map. Assigning to it "Square" is the same as assign it to 4.

11.4. No map

Finally, there is the identity map (a.k.a no map): The text which is assigned to the key is retrieved by KeyValue and passed to the caller as it is.

12. Design: the basics

This section covers some basic aspects of KeyValue's design. The material is kept at the minimum just enough to give the reader all he/she needs to use KeyValue.

All KeyValue classes, functions, templates, etc. belong to namespace ::keyvalue.

12.1. Basic types

Inspired by spreadsheet applications, KeyValue uses five basic types:

The first two types above are C++ built-in types. The other three are library types.

KeyValue introduces value::Nothing to represent empty data.

To maximize portability, KeyValue uses ::std::string and ::boost::posix_time for strings and times, resp. These types are exported to namespace ::keyvalue where they are called string and ptime resp.

The single-value and multi-type container for basic types is value::Variant.

12.2. Values

Values assigned to keys are not always single value::Variant object. They may be containers of value::Variant objects as well. KeyValue provides three such containers:

Actually, bridge and core library developers do not need to care about the containers above. Indeed, they are used exclusively inside KeyValue and, at some point, are converted to more standard types. More precisely, a value::Single object is converted into an appropriate basic type T while a value::Vector object becomes a ::std::vector<T> and a value::Matrix is transformed into a ::std::vector<std::vector<T> > object.

Class value::Value is a single-value and multi-type container for value::Single, value::Vector or value::Matrix objects.

12.2.1. Hierarchy of types and multi-level implicit conversions

Only value::Value objects are returned from KeyValue to front-ends. Hence, a series of conversions must be performed when one wants to return a more basic type. For instance, suppose that a double value x must be returned. In that case the sequence of conversions would be:

return value::Value(value::Single(value::Variant(x)));

Statements like the one above would be needed very often, which is very annoying. Fortunately, KeyValue implements a hierarchy tree of types that allow for multi-level implicitly conversions. Therefore, in the example above, the simpler statement

return x;

would be implicitly converted by the compiler into the one previously shown.

The hierarchy of types constitutes a tree where each node is defined by a specialization of template struct Parent.

12.3. Keys

Initially a key is just a text labeling a value. However, there is more inside a key that just an string object can model. Consider the key Dates in the introductory example again. Its associated value is expected to verify certain conditions:

  • The corresponding value::Value object is made of ptime object(s) rather than, say, double ones.

  • Given the plural in Dates, one can expect more than one ptime and, then value::Value's content might be a value::Vector (of ptimes).

  • Since to each date corresponds a stock price, those dates cannot be in the future.

  • Additionally, one can expect the dates to be in increasing order.

This kind of information is encapsulated by a certain class. In KeyValue terminology, those classes are called real keys and belong to namespace ::keyvalue::key.

The class key::Key is the base of all real keys. More precisely, real keys derive from key::Traits which derives from key::Key.

Actually, key::Traits is a template class depending on a few parameters:


Type parameter which defines the type of elements in the output container. It can be bool, double, ptime, string, classes defined by the core library, etc.


This template template parameter[2] defines the class responsible to convert the input value container into a more appropriate type for core library's use. (See Section 12.3.1.)


This template template parameter[2] tells how each value::Variant object in the input container must be mapped into an ElementType object. (See Section 12.3.2.)

12.3.1. Converter type

Conversions between KeyValue containers value::Single, value::Vector or value::Matrix to more standard types are responsibility of container converter classes.

KeyValue provides three such templates (described below) depending on a parameter ElementType.


Converts from value::Single into ElementType.


Converts from value::Vector to ::boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<ElementType> >.


Converts from value::Matrix to ::boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::vector<ElementType> > >.

If the core library uses non-standard containers, then bridge developers have two choices. They can either use the converters above as a first step and then convert again to desired types; or they can implement new container converters that produce the desired types directly from KeyValue containers. The second option is clearly more efficient.

To implement new container converters, reading the reference documentation of the three container converters above it strongly advised. Moreover, their implementations can serve as samples for implementing new ones.

12.3.2. Map type

Similarly to lexical conversions but depending on the key, sometimes, each element of the input container must be mapped to a special value. For instance, for a key Month, it may be convenient to map strings "Jan", "Fev", ..., "Dec" into numbers 1, 2, ..., 12. This is an example of key::FlagMap.

Mappings are performed by classes which implement a method to convert from a value::Variant objects into other types of objects. Actually, they are template classes depending on a parameter named OutputType which defines (but not necessarily matches) the real output type. The real output type might be recovered through the member type OutputType_.

The map template classes are the following:


Through this map, a value::Variant object holding a value x is mapped into an object of type OutputType which has the same lexical value as x. Only front-end enabled lexical conversions are considered. For instance, a value::Variant object holding either the double 10.1 or the string "10.1" is mapped into the double (OutputType in this case) 10.1.


Some string values are accepted others not. The accepted ones are mapped into particular values of type OutputType. In the example of key Month above, OutputType can be double, unsigned int or an enum type.


Half way between key::NoMap and key::FlagMap. First, like key::NoMap, considering front-end enabled lexical conversions, it tries to map a value::Variant value into an object of type OutputType which has the same lexical value as x. If it fails, then, like key::FlagMap, it tries to map a string into a corresponding value of type OutputType. For instance, the value for NumberOfEdges (of a regular polygon) must be an unsigned int greater than 2. For some special values (not all) there correspond a polygon name (e.g. "Triangle" for 3 or "Square" for 4). There is no special name for a regular polygon with 1111 edges.


This is a map where a string identifier is mapped into a ::boost::shared_ptr<OutputType> pointing to an object of type OutputType. Notice that this is the only map where OutputType and OutputType_ differ.

12.3.3. Generic keys

There are some basic properties shared by several types of keys. For instance, Price, Weight, Size, etc., accept only positive numeric values. Although one can implement one class for each of them, this would imply extensive code duplication. Therefore, KeyValue implements a few generic keys which can be used for those having basic properties. Only very specific and application dependent keys need to be implemented as new real keys.

All generic keys set their label at construction time. They are:


Key for a single object of type ElementType. No constraints on the value are set.

Example: A key labeled Number which accepts any double value is defined by

key::Single<double> key("Number");

Key for a vector of objects of type ElementType with no constraints on them. A restriction on the size of the vector might be set on construction.

Example: A key labeled Names which expects a vector of 5 strings is defined by

key::Vector<string> key("Names", 5);

Key for a matrix of objects of type ElementType with no constraints. A restriction on the matrix dimension can be set at construction.

Example: A key labeled Transformation which accepts a 2x3 matrix is defined by

key::Matrix<double> key("Transformation", 2, 3);

Key for a positive number.

Example: A key labeled Price is defined by

key::Positive key("Price");

Key for a strictly positive number.

Example: If the key in the previous example could not accept the value 0, then it would be defined by

key::StrictlyPositive key("Price");
key::Bounded<ElementType, Bound1, Bound2>

Key for a single bounded value of type ElementType. Template template parameters[2] Bound1 and Bound2 define the bound types and can be either key::Greater, key::Geq (greater than or equal to), key::Less or key::Leq (less than or equal to).

Example: A key labeled Probability accepting any double value from and including 0 up to and including 1 is defined by

key::Bounded<double, key::Geq, key::Leq> key("Probability", 0.0, 1.0);
key::MonotoneBoundedVector<ElementType, Monotone, Bound1, Bound2>

Key for vectors whose elements are monotonic and/or bounded. Template template parameter[2] Monotone defines the type of monotonicity and can be either key::NonMonotone, key::Increasing, key::StrictlyIncreasing, key::Decreasing, key::StrictlyDecreasing. Bound1 and Bound2 are as in key::Bounded. Additionally, a constraint on the vector size can be set on construction.

Example: A key labeled Probabilities accepting 10 strictly increasing numbers from and excluding 0 up to and including 1 is defined by

key::Bounded<double, key::StrictlyIncreasing, key::Greater, key::Leq>
  key("Probabilities", 0.0, 1.0, 10);

12.4. DataSet

Key-value pairs are stored in DataSets. This class implements methods getValue() and find() to retrieve values assigned to keys. Both methods receive a real key and processes all the information about the expected value encapsulated by the key. For instance, suppose the variable today holds the current date and consider a key BirthDates which corresponds to a vector of increasing dates, supposedly, in the past or today.

An appropriate real key is then:

key::MonotoneBoundedVector<ptime, key::Increasing, key::Leq>
  births("BrithDates", today);

Therefore, if key BirthDates belongs to a DataSet data, the result of


is a ::boost::shared_ptr<const ::std::vector<ptime> > such that the elements of the pointed vector are in increasing order and before (less than or equal to) today. The caller does not need to check that.

Since the type returned by getValue() depends on the real key it receives, this method is a template function. The same is true for find().

The difference between getValue() and find() concerns what happens when the key is not resolved. The former method throws an exception to indicate the failure while the latter returns a null pointer. In practice, getValue() is used for compulsory keys and find() for optional ones. A typical use of find() follows:

bool foo(false);
if (bool* ptr = data.find(key::Single<bool>("Foo")))
  foo = *ptr;

In the code above foo is false unless key Foo is found in data, in which case, foo gets the given value.

12.5. Processors

All builders and calculators derive from class Processor. This class declares two pure virtual methods: getName() and getResult(). The former method returns the name under which the processor is recognized by key Processor. The second gets the result of processing a DataSet.

Actually, builders and calculators are specializations of template classes Builder and Calculator, resp. They depend on a parameter type named either OutputType (for Builder) or Tag (for Calculator). The primary role of these parameters is to distinguish between different specializations. For a Builder, OutputType also defines the type of object built.

Although a Builder specialization is uniquely identified by OutputType, it also needs to be assigned to a Tag for a unified registration process of Builders and Calculators into the global ProcessorMngr. (See Section 13 for more information on this registration process.)

Builder and Calculator specializations may implement different features which define their declaration and implementation. Therefore, different specializations of Builder (or of Calculator) might derive from different base classes and implement different methods. Rather than declare the specializations from scratch, providing all its base classes and declaring all its methods, the helper files keyvalue/mngt/DeclareBuilder.h and keyvalue/mngt/DeclareCalculator.h should be used. (See Builder and Calculator for details).

Builder and Calculator specializations might be Commands as explained below.

12.5.1. Commands

A Processor able to process an empty DataSet might be declared a Command.

For instance, if the Processor is Builder<ObjectType>, for some ObjectType, then Builder<ObjectType>::getObject(const DataSet& data) might do its job ignoring data (which is the case of ListOfDataSets and NumberOfDataSets). Another way is when the method does look up values in an empty data but, failing to find any, can still do its job considering default values for the searched keys (with or without intervention of Default DataSet (see Section 9).

In either cases above, Builder<ObjectType> might be declared a Command by publicly deriving from this class. Similar arguments hold for a Calculator<Tag>.

When a Processor is a Command some front-ends might take advantage of this fact and provide to their users some shortcut or menu entry to call the Processor without asking for additional user's input.

12.5.2. Building from a single value

In general, the information that processors need to perform their duties is so rich that must be stored in a DataSet. Nevertheless, in some particular cases, a single value::Variant might be enough. For instance, consider a builder that creates a curve given a few points on it. Normally, this processor needs the set of points together with interpolator and extrapolator methods. In this general case, a DataSet is necessary to hold all this information. However, when the curve is known to be constant, then a single number - the constant - is enough. Rather than creating a DataSet to store a single number, it would be more convenient if the processor could accept just this value (or more generally, a value::Variant). This is, indeed, the case.

Any Builder specialization which can build from a value::Variant object must derive from template class BuilderFromVariant. Additionally, it also must derive from at least one instantiation of template class BuilderFrom.

12.6. Exceptions and Messages

The abstract class Message defines the interface for all types of messages. MessageImpl is a template class which implements Message's pure virtual methods. There are six different specializations of MessageImpl with corresponding typedefs:

They define operator&() to append formated data to themselves. A typical use follows:

Info info(1);  // Create a level-1 Info message.
size_t i;
std::vector<double> x;
info & "x[" & i & "] = " & x[i] & '\n';

Similarly, exception::Exception is an abstract class whose pure virtual methods are implemented by template class exception::ExceptionImpl. This template class has a member which is an instantiation of MessageImpl. The exact instantiation is provided as a template parameter of exception::ExceptionImpl. There are two specializations of exception::ExceptionImpl with corresponding typedefs:

RuntimeError indicates errors that can be detected only at runtime depending on user data. LogicError indicates errors that should be detected at development time. In other terms, a LogicError means a bug and is thrown when a program invariant fails. It is mainly used through macro KV_ASSERT as in

KV_ASSERT(i < getSize(), "Out of bound!");

To keep compatibility with exception handlers catching standard exceptions, RuntimeError derives from ::std::runtime_error while LogicError derives from ::std::logic_error.

Method exception::ExceptionImpl::operator&() provides the same functionality of MessageImpl::operator&(). Example:

if (price <= 0.0)
  throw RuntimeError() & "Invalid price. Expecting a positive number. Got " &

Other more specific exception classes are implemented to indicate errors that need special treatment. They all derive from either RuntimeError or LogicError.

[2] Template template parameters belong to the less known features of C++ and then deserve a quick note here. Most template parameters are types. Nevertheless, sometimes a template parameter can be a template, in which case it is referred as a template template parameter. For instance, a template Foo depending on only one template template parameter might be instantiated with Foo<std::vector> but not with Foo<std::vector<int> >. Recall that std::vector is a template class while std::vector<int> is a class.

13. How to implement the bridge library

The bridge library connects KeyValue with the core library. KeyValue comes with an example bridge which can be used as a sample for bridge developers.

The implementation of a bridge library is composed of three tasks.

  • Implementing class Bridge:

    This class provides information about the core library, e.g., its name and greeting messages. (See Section 13.1.)

  • Implementing and registering processors:

    The bridge implements a certain number of processors to be called by users through key Processor. (See Section 13.2.)

    The global ProcessorMngr (accessible through Global) is responsible for retrieving a processor provided its name. Therefore, every Processor must register itself into the global ProcessorMngr at KeyValue's initialization.

    The suggested registration method is the following. Bridge developers copy files bridge-example/Register.h and bridge-example/Register.cpp to their own source directory to be compiled and linked as their own source files. File Register.cpp is left as it is while file Register.h is edited (see instructions there in) to list the Tags that identify the various processors.

  • Implementing keys:

    KeyValue comes with a few generic keys but other application specific keys can be implemented. (See Section 13.3.)

13.1. How to implement class Bridge

Some methods of class Bridge are implemented by KeyValue itself. However there are three public methods which are left to the bridge developer. (See example in bridge-example/bridge-example/Bridge.cpp):

const char*
getCoreLibraryName() const;

Returns the name of the core library. The result also names the function called in OpenOffice Calc or Excel spreadsheets and, for that reason, must be a single word (no white spaces). Otherwise front-ends might get in trouble.

const char*
getSimpleInfo() const;

Returns a simple description (one line long) of the core library. This message is used by Excel add-in manager.

const char*
getCompleteInfo() const;

Returns a more detailed description of the core library. This message is presented by loggers when they are initialized.

13.2. How to implement a processor

Builder and Calculator specializations (the two flavors of Processor), are implemented in similar ways. Firstly, let us see how to implement the latter and then cover the differences for the former.

13.2.1. Implementing a Calculator specialization

As previously said, to get the proper declaration one should use the helper file keyvalue/mngt/DeclareCalculator.h.

After having #included the required header files (notably, keyvalue/mngt/Calculator.h) and open the namespace keyvalue:

#include "keyvalue/mngt/Calculator.h"
// Include other required header files

namespace keyvalue {

we #define the macro TAG to be a word that uniquely identifies the specialization to be implemented. For sake of concreteness, say this word is Foo. Then we do

#define TAG Foo

Now, provided the specialization is a Command we #define the macro COMMAND:

#define COMMAND // Must be defined if, and only if, the calculator is a Command

Then the helper file is included:

#include "keyvalue/mngt/DeclareCalculator.h"

The steps above provide the correct declaration of the specialization. In the example, it is Calculator<tag::Foo>. (It is worth mentionning that keyvalue/mngt/DeclareCalculator.h will declare a type Foo in namespace tag.)

Now we implement a few methods. The first one is

const char*
Calculator<tag::Foo>::getName() const;

which returns the name to be assigned to key Processor when the user wants to call this specialization.

Provided the specialization is a Command, the following method is implemented

const char*
Calculator<tag::Foo>::getCommandName() const;

It returns an alternative name which front-ends might use when calling this specialization as a Command. For example, when an empty DataSet is given to processor DeleteDataSets the whole repository is cleared. Since this is exactly what happens when processor DeleteDataSets is called as a command, then the name "Reset repository" seems appropriate to appear in a menu.

The last method to be implemented is

Calculator<tag::Foo>::getValue(const DataSet& data) const;

which processes DataSet data and returns a value::Value computed based on data's key-value pairs. Recall that value::Value belongs to the hierarchy of types which allows for multi-level implicit conversions. (See Section 12.2.1.) Therefore, any type below value::Value in the hierarchy might be returned without further ado.

KeyValue implements a memoization system to prevent recalculating when the input key-value pairs in data have not changed since last call. To use this feature, after having retrieve all values by calling data.getValue()or data.find(), Calculator<tag::Foo>::getValue() must call data.mustUpdate() which returns true if the value must be recalculated (or false, otherwise). If the value does need to be recalculated, then Calculator<tag::Foo>::getValue() computes the value and returns it. Otherwise, Calculator<tag::Foo>::getValue()must return a default constructed value::Value.

Finally we close namespace ::keyvalue

} // namespace keyvalue

13.2.2. Implementing a Builder specialization

The first difference in respect to implementing a Calculator specialization is the helper file to be used: keyvalue/mngt/DeclareBuilder.h.

Macros TAG and COMMAND are used exaclty as before. Additionally the macro OBJECT_TYPE must be #defined as the type of object built by the specialization. Consider the example of the processor Logger. (See keyvalue/bridge/processor/Logger.cpp.) We have

#define OBJECT_TYPE logger::Logger

Notice that we provide the fully qualified typename (as recognized from namespace ::keyvalue). For Builders, in contrast to Calculator specializations, it is this typename (rather than the one given by macro TAG) which parametrizes the template class. Therefore, in the example, the methods to be implemented are members of Builder<logger::Logger>.

Other four macros might be #defined depending on the Builder being able to build the object from a single value. Those macros are BUILDS_FROM_BOOL, BUILDS_FROM_DOUBLE, BUILDS_FROM_PTIME and BUILDS_FROM_STRING. To each of these macros corresponds a method which the user must implement when the macro is defined. For instance, if BUILD_FROM_DOUBLE is defined, then one must provide the implementation of the following method

Builder<ObjectType>::getObject(const bool& data) const;

where ObjectType is the same type used to #define OBJECT_TYPE.

Its worthing remember that all macros must be defined before we #include keyvalue/mngt/DeclareBuilder.h.

Recall that one must also implement the method

Builder<ObjectType>::getObject(const DataSet& data) const;

13.3. How to implement a key

Key functionalities belong to namespace ::keyvalue::key and all keys should be in this namespace as well.

The basics for implementing keys were explained in Section 12.3. In particular, we have seen that all keys derive from template key::Traits. For instance,

namespace keyvalue {
  namespace key {
    class MyKey : public Traits<double, StdSingle, NoMap> {
      // ...

is the prototype for a key accepting a single double value which is not mapped. (Actually, the second and third of key::Traits' parameters above are the default choices and, then, could be omitted.)

The choices of key::Traits parameters impose some methods to be implemented by derived classes. Those methods are divided in two categories: checking- and mapping- methods.

13.3.1. Checking methods

The third parameter of key::Traits, namely MapType, is a template class which defines the type of output value, OutputType_. More precisely, this is the type that one gets when passes the key (i.e., the class derived from key::Traits) to DataSet::getValue().

The checks performed on the output value depend on its type. For instance, one can check the size of a vector but not that of a single. Regardless the ConverterType, key::Traits implements all required checking methods. Actually, the provided implementations accept all values (no check at all). When the developer wants a proper check, then the corresponding method can be overridden. To indicate invalid values RuntimeError exception must thrown.

KeyValue implements three templates that can be assigned to ConverterType. They depend on a type parameter ElementType which, in general, matches its homonym provided to key::Traits. The only exception is when the MapType parameter given to key::Traits is key::ObjectMap. In this case, the ConverterType is instantiated for ::boost::shared_ptr<ElementType>.


This is the default choice and can be omitted when key::Traits' third parameter is so.

For this choice OutputType_ is the same as ElementType and the method called to validate the output has the following signature:

checkOutput(const OutputType_& output) const;

In this case, OutputType_ is ::boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<ElementType> >. The method that validates the output has the same signature as for key::StdSingle seen above.

There is a method for checking the vector size, declared as follows:

checkSize(size_t size) const;

Additionally, there is a method to check the output while it is still being calculated. This is useful to indicate errors as earlier as possible. For instance, consider a vector which is expected to have a huge number of increasing elements. If the second element is not greater than the first one, the method can immediately spot the problem and avoid to process from the third element onwards. The signature is

checkSoFar(const ConverterType<ElementType>& container) const;

Notice that it receives a ConverterType<ElementType>, which in this case, is key::StdVector<ElementType>. This type provides accessor methods to the output vector being constructed.


Here OutputType_ is ::boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::vector<ElementType> > >. The method that validates the output has the same signature as for key::StdSingle seen above. The method for checking the matrix dimensions is

checkSize(size_t nRows, size_t nCols) const;

Finally, a method for checking the output as the computation runs has the same signature as for key::StdVector seen above. However, here ConverterType<ElementType> is key::StdMatrix<ElementType>.

13.3.2. Mapping methods

Third parameter of key::Traits, namely MapType, defines the type of mapping as introduced in Section 12.3.2. The value assigned to this parameter should be a template class chosen among four possibilities.

In many circumstances, MapType do not need to be explicitly provided by the user since the compiler can automatically deduce it. The choice follows a simple rule: if key::Traits parameter ElementType is bool, double, string, ptime or unsigned int, then key::NoMap will be selected; else if ElementType is an enum then key::FlagMap will be choosen. Otherwise, key::ObjectMap will be selected because the KeyValue assumes ElementType is a type defined by the core library and for which a Builder specialization is implemented.

Map types key::NoMap and key::ObjectMap do not impose any constraint on key::Traits derived classes. Luckily the constraint imposed on key::Traits derived classes when either key::FlagMap or key::PartialMap is selected is just a matter of implementing one method with the following signature:

get(const string& name) const = 0;

Here, OutputType is the same as the parameter ElementType used to instantiate key::Traits. This method receives a string object and maps it to the correct value of type OutputType or, if it fails, throws a RuntimeError.

14. Linking with KeyValue

The instructions in config/config.mak tell you to leave variables FELIBS_debug and FELIBS_release as they are in order to link KeyValue with the examples of core and bridge libraries. However, you must change these variables to point to your own core and bridge libraries' paths in order to link KeyValue with them. You can use either absolute or relative paths. Relative paths are taken from excel-addin and/or openoffice-addin directories.

If you are a Microsoft Visual Studio user, then you must use multi-threaded runtime libraries to compile you core and bridge libraries. More precisely you have two options depending on your build system:

Microsoft Visual Studio build system

Follow the instructions below if you build your core and bridge libraries using Microsoft Visual Studio build system. (This is the default method choosen when you set up your libraries using Microsoft Visual Studio's IDE.)

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio and your core project.

  2. Open the solution explorer (Ctrl+Alt+L).

  3. Right-click on you core project.

  4. Select: Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation.

  5. On the right panel on the properties page, select the correct Runtime Library depending on configuration as below:

    1. For Debug configuration choose "Multi-threaded debug (/MTd)";

    2. For Release configuration choose "Multi-threaded (/MT)".

    Remark: (a) and (b) above do not say to choose the "DLL" libraries.

    Figure 20. Choosing the right runtime libraries.

    Choosing the right runtime libraries.

Repeat steps (3) - (5) for your bridge library and for any other library you want to link with KeyValue.

Another build system

Follow the instruction below if you build your core and bridge libraries using another build system (e.g., makefiles, bjam, etc).

  1. Make sure you pass to MSVC compiler (cl.exe) the apropriate option regarding the runtime libraries:

    1. Use /MTd for debug build.

    2. Use /MT for release build.

If for some reason you are not happy to compile your libraries using the options above, then you can change KeyValues'. However, the openoffice add-in will not build anymore; only the Excel add-in will. To change KeyValue's compiling options open the file config/windows-msvc.mak in any text editor and edit the lines below

debug   : OBJ_FLAGS += -D_DEBUG -Od -Gm -RTC1 -MTd -ZI
release : OBJ_FLAGS += -DNDEBUG -O2 -Oi -GL -FD -MT -Gy -Zi

replacing the -MTd and -MT according to your preferences. You might need to rebuild KeyValue (clean and build again).

15. The Excel add-in

The Excel add-in has two particular features describred in the sequel.

15.1. The help file

A help file in compressed HTML format can be associated to the Excel add-in. This file must be named manual.chm and be located in the directory containning the add-in. Then under the Excel function wizard for KEYVALUE function (or whatever is the name provided by the bridge), one can click on "Help on this function" to open manual.chm.

The file will be open by the program associated with extendion .chm at the position mapped to ID number 1000. For instance, the .chm of this user manual is called manual.chm and maps the ID number 1000 to Section 5.

Instructions on how to create .chm files and how to map ID number to anchors is outside of the scope of this document.

15.2. The menu of commands

As explained in Section 7.1.1, Excel add-in provides special support for commands. Under the add-in menu on the menu bar, it presents a menu named after the core library from which one can call any command. The result of the command can be seen on the global logger.

[1] KeyValue uses time and date class ptime from Boost's Date_Time library.

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