User's Manual - version: 0.1

8. Reserved processors

The processors Polygon and Area were implemented by the bridge-example which comes with KeyValue. This bridge is intent to be used only as an example, and will not be linked with more serious applications (yours). Hence these processors will not be present. However, a few processors are implemented by KeyValue (not by the bridge). See the Reserved Processors sheet of the example workbook for examples of reserved processors.

8.1. Logger

This processor builds a logger where KeyValue sends messages to. The input data set should contain the following keys:


Compulsory key that defines the type of logger. Possible values are:

  • "Standard" - messages are shown in the stdout;

  • "Console" - messages are shown in a console window; and

  • "File" - messages are saved in a file.


Compulsory key that defines the logger's verbosity level. Any non negative integer number is an allowed value.

Loggers receive messages with verbosity levels. A m-level logger process a n-level message if either m>n or the message is an error. Otherwise the message is ignored. Therefore, a 0-level logger ignores all but error messages.


This key is compulsory when Device is "File" and ignored in other cases. It specifies the output file name.


The core library can use different loggers for different purposes. Hence, users are able to build many loggers at the same time. However, all KeyValue messages are sent to the global logger. This key can assume the values TRUE or FALSE and tells KeyValue if the new logger must replace the current global logger.

8.2. NumberOfDataSets

This processor does not have any specific key. It returns the number of data sets currently stored by the repository.

8.3. ListOfDataSets

This processor does not have any specific key. It returns a vector with the names of data sets currently stored in the repository.

8.4. DeleteDataSets

Deletes a list of data sets from the repository. Only one key is expected:


This is an optional key which list the names of all data sets to be erased. If this key is ommited, then all data sets will be removed.

This processor returns the number of data sets that were effectively deleted from the repository.

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