The XLOPER12 wrapper has been
redesigned to improve safety and performance. Additionally, the
Excel call back function provided with the SDK has been replaced by a
customized function to improve memory management of
XLOPER12 objects.
Introduction of
Command objects (special types of processors) and special suport
for them through a dedicated Excel's menu. (See section
Commands of
user's manual.)
Implementation of an unit testing framework and several unit tests
covering a great part of the library.
Implementation of
Global template class to tackle singleton issues. We hope the
desing will help making KeyValue thread-safe in the future since
it centralizes the creation of all singletons in just one piece of
Map selection for keys has been simplified. Now, only
PartialMap need to be explicitly provided by the user to
Traits. Other map types, are automatically selected by the
compiler according to
Traits's parameter ElementType. (See
Mapping methods of
user's manual.)
New config/make.bat following a
recent change in Cygwin registry keys. (See
issue #3045260.)